Author Archives: Niko

A Time for Reflection

Niko Luoma, Adaptation of “Vase of Flowers on a Garden Ledge” (1730) by Jan van Huysum,

T h e P h o t o g r a p h y S h o w presented by IAPAD

Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery Booth 202 April 5 – 8, 2018 Vernissage: April 4, 2018 Pier

T H E A R M O R Y S H O W 2018

Self titled adaptation of Nymphéas (1840), 2017 156 x 196 THE ARMORY SHOW 2018  BRYCE

N i k o L u o m a´s P r o x i m it y

    NIKO LUOMA PROXIMITY March 1 – April 14, 2018 Opening Reception: Thursday, March

P H O T O F A I R S S a n F r a n c i s c o

Self titled adaptation of Fourteen Sunflowers (1888), 2016 156 x 196 PHOTOFAIRS | San Francisco

A R C O – M a d r i d 2018

ARCOmadrid 2018 Gallery Taik Persons DATES, TIMES AND PLACE  From 21 to 25 February 2018


Salon Dahlmann Marburger Straße 3 10789 Berlin 20.01. – 24.03.2018 Opening: Saturday, 20 January, 6

C A P E T O W N A R T F A I R 2018

The Adaptation series shown with the Galerie Pascal Jenssens for the first time in South

P A R I S P H O T O 2017

Self titled adaptations of Nymphéas (1840 & 1926), 2017 156 x 196 each 9-12 NOV 2017